Independent Contractor Agreement
Expand and hire with peace of mind and make sure your team is clear on the expected deliverables and pay structure. Perfect for solo-preneurs bringing on a virtual assistant, graphic designer or a vendor to give you a hand with your business.
These documents are digital legal templates delivered in Word format designed for you to complete and personalize yourself. Each video guide explains the important terms of the template without the legal mambo-jumbo so that you understand what your template means in plain English. The highlighted spaces in the template empowers you to add, delete and tweak the template to your liking.
Important Legal Notice: Even though these documents were created by a Florida licensed attorney, viewing, downloading, using or relying on these documents and/or video guides DOES NOT create an attorney-client relationship and should not be considered legal advice. An attorney licensed in your state should review any legal document you use to ensure that it complies with your state and local laws and serves your unique circumstance.